József Fogarasi, Ph.D.

Scientific degree: Ph.D.

University position: full professor


  • Ph.D. in economics at Corvinus University of Budapest, 2004.
  • MA in economics at Faculty of Economics, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 1997.

Area of speciality:

  • Teaching:microeconomics, finance, econometrics
  • Research: examining efficiency and productivity, performance of foreign trade, risk management, experiences of European integration of agricultural economy, investments

Lectures given:

BSc studies:

  • Microeconomics – specializations: Banking and Finance, Economy of commerce, tourism and services, Management
  • Public finance – specializations: Banking and Finance, Management
  • Invetments – Banking and Finance
  • Introduction to econometrics – specialization: Banking and Finance
  • Corporate finance – specialization: English language courses for Erasmus students

MSc studies:

  • Economics and Management of Competitiveness – specialization: Entrepreneurship and Business Administration
  • Econometrics – specialization: Entrepreneurship and Business Administration

Selected publications (List of publications):

Fertő Imre, Bojnec Štefan, Fogarasi József, Viira Ants Hannes [2019]: Agricultural soft budget constraints in new European Union member states. Journal of Institutional Economics 1-16 pp. ISSN: 1744-1374 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137418000395

Zubor-Nemes Anna, Fogarasi József, Molnár András, Kemény Gábor [2018]: Farmers’ responses to the changes in Hungarian agricultural insurance system. Agricultural Finance Review 78(2): 275-288. ISSN: 0002-1466 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-06-2017-0048

Vígh Enikő, Fertő Imre, Fogarasi József [2018]: Impacts of climate on technical efficiency in the Hungarian arable sector. Studies in Agricultural Economics 120(1): 41-46. ISSN-e: 2063-0476 DOI: https://doi.org/10.7896/j.1729

Bojnec Štefan, Fertő Imre, Fogarasi József [2014]: Quality of institutions and the BRIC countries agro-food exports. China Agricultural Economic Review 6(3): 379 – 394 ISSN: 1756-137X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/CAER-02-2013-0034

Fogarasi József, Kemény Gábor, Molnár András, Keményné-Horváth Zsuzsanna, Zubor-Nemes Anna, Kiss, Andrea [2016]: Modelling climate effects on Hungarian winter wheat and maize yields. Studies in Agricultural Economics 118: 85-90. ISSN: 1418-2122 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7896/j.1614

Latruffe Laure, Desjeux Yann, Bakucs Zoltan, Fertő Imre, Fogarasi József [2013]: Environmental pressures and technical efficiency of pig farms in Hungary. Managerial and Decision Economics Economics 34: 409–416 ISSN: 1099-1468 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/110.1002/mde.2600

Latruffe Laure, Fogarasi József, Desjeux Yann [2012]: Efficiency, productivity and technology comparison for farms in Central and Western Europe: The case of field crop and dairy farming in Hungary and France. Economic Systems 36(2): 264-278 ISSN 0939-3625 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecosys.2011.07.002

Fogarasi József [2011]: The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility upon Foreign Trade of Hungarian Agricultural Products. Studies in Agricultural Economics 113: 85-96.

Bakucs Lajos Zoltán, Latruffe Laure, Fertő Imre, Fogarasi József [2010]: The impact of EU accession on farms' technical efficiency in Hungary. Post-Communist Economies22(2): 165 -175. ISSN 1463-1377 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14631371003740639

Bakucs Lajos Zoltán, Fertő Imre, Fogarasi József [2009]: Investment and financial constraints in Hungarian agriculture. Economics Letters 104(3): 122-124.ISSN: 0165-1765 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2009.04.019

Major scientific research projects:

  • A makrogazdasági teljesítmény hatása az agrárgazdaság fejlődésére (The effects of macroeconomic performance on the development of agricultural economy) - Bolyai János Research Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, director of grant, 2010-2013.
  • The effects of exchange rate volatility on agri-food trade - CERGE-EI/GDN, director of grant, 2008-2009  
  • Credit constraints, investment, performance, and subsidies in agriculture - Eco-Net – Ministry of Research in France, researcher, 2005-2007.
  • Külkereskedelem és külföldi működő tőkeberuházások az élelmiszeriparban (International trade and foreign capital investments in agri-food economy), OTKA, researcher, 2004-2007.
  • A főbb mezőgazdasági termékek kínálatának árrugalmasság vizsgálata (The elasticity of supply comparative to the price of the main agricultural products), director of grant, Sapientia Foundation- KPI, 2004-2005.
  • Az agrárvállalkozások helytállása a piaci versenyben (Competitive position of agricultural entrepreneurs), OTKA, researcher, 2000-2003.


  • E-mail: fogarasi@partium.ro            
  • Phone number: 0040/259-418-252
  • Consultations: Monday, 10-12

Member of scientific associations: