Session about the Partium region on the annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)

The annual conference of the EASR was held on August 30 - September 3, in Pisa, Italy, with almost a thousand off-line and on-line participants. 

The Partium Christian University was represented  by Dr. habil. Ábrahám Kovács, vice-president of EASR, director of Partium Territorial Research Institute, Dr. Ferenc Szilágyi, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Árpád Kulcsár, assistant of Department of Human and Social Sciences.   

The papers about Partium region were presented in the session 846: Resilience or Survival? The Role of Ethnicity, Religion and Culture in the Economy and Identity of Romanian, Hungarian, German, Slovak, Ruthenian and Jewish people in the Partium region of the European Union. 

Ábrahám Kovács held his presentation about the general religious issues and diversity in Partium, Árpád Kulcsár presented the neo-protestant denominations (Survival of the Pentecostal, Adventist, Lutheran, Unitarian and Jewish Religious Communites in Bihor, County, Romania and in the Sea of Romanian Orthodoxy), Ferenc Szilágyi spoken about a case-study (Identity Changes. Reflections about Changes of Romanian and Hungarian Christian Denominations in Bihor county during the 20th Century. The Case of Silindru). 

The participance of the researchers from PCU was sponsored by the Pallas Athene Dumus Educations Foundation. 

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